PIG ON 7TH HEAVEN by Felim Egan – ref no: 028

PIG ON 7TH HEAVEN by Felim Egan - Ref No: 028

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Reserve: [n/a]

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03/31/2015 9:07 AM

    Highlights: A 1993 UNESCO prize in Paris. Perhaps.

    Inspiration: In professional chess, war without quarter, ‘Pigs’ is a common term for when two rooks are on the 7th.

    Thumbnail: Studied in Belfast, Portsmouth, the Slade in London and the British School in Rome. Beguiled at 59 solo exhibitions since, and Biennales in Paris and Sao Paulo, for instance. Seamus Heaney once described his work as a balance of shifting brilliances, and we’ll leave the last word to him.

    Please Note:

    This lot has been selected as a GOLDEN PIG item which means that the final price will be decided at the Live Auction on 21st March at the Hilton Hotel, Dublin. The last price on the online auction will be the RESERVE for the live auction.

    Auction Information