A PIG FOR ALL SEASONS by Kevin Bohan - Ref No: 046
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02/14/2015 4:05 PMDescription
Solo and Group shows, large murals, making friends.
Solo and Group shows, large murals, making friends.
Inspiration: This little piggy isn’t going onto anyone’s plate, but will brighten days for seasons to come.
Inspiration: This little piggy isn’t going onto anyone’s plate, but will brighten days for seasons to come.
This pig has been adopted!
Studied animation, attempted to work in craft print, systems management and newspaper layout, but was drawn back to art (sorry) not even slightly against his will. Since then, shows, supports, volunteers and paints, in this case using the Australian aboriginal dot technique.
Studied animation, attempted to work in craft print, systems management and newspaper layout, but was drawn back to art (sorry) not even slightly against his will. Since then, shows, supports, volunteers and paints, in this case using the Australian aboriginal dot technique.