THE JACK & JILL PIG by Linda Byrne - Ref No: 048
Auction Closed
Sold for: 251.00[4 Bids]
Reserve: [n/a]Winner: joconnor
- Auction closed
- Bidding Over
- First Bid: 10 years ago
- Last Bid: 10 years ago
- Shipping: Worldwide
03/26/2015 4:00 PMDescription
Highlights: The children’s picture book she’s working on now.
Inspiration: The effect on children’s sometimes difficult lives of art, and a desire to support the work of the Foundation.
Thumbnail: Start with a degree in animation. Follow that with a B.A. in Fine Art, and a stint as Artist Mentor for Barretstown, then a stretch as Artist in Residence at Scoil Choca Naofa, top all that up with a H.Dip in Digital Design and now work as an Art Educator/ Facilitator. Continue.
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